Welcome to the
Data For Crisis

An open data platform developed by SocialLab in cooperation with DW Akademie that provides in its first version, insights and aggregations into the issues faced by Syrian refugees in Lebanon in relation to COVID-19 - tackling both their interests and emotional behaviors.

​Why an Open-Data Platform?

During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, accessible and factual information was often missing – especially for marginalized communities. False information and hate speech spread rapidly online. The voices and concerns of Syrian refugees in Lebanon were rarely represented in mainstream media. Through this platform, we support fact-based, innovative and relevant journalism along with research and public discourse that highlight the voices that matter.

What can you find on this platform?

We compiled data about social media conversations by Syrian refugees and relevant stakeholders on the COVID-19 pandemic and its repercussions through 2020. Scroll through the interactive charts on our dashboard to find visualizations of pre-defined data sets that you can filter based on your interests and download on the spot.

Try the explore function and discover unexpected correlations through our multidimensional charts. In the data section, you can find pre-defined data sets on different topics. Choose the data you would like to work with and see what you discover. If you feel lost when you are working on the visualization pages, look out for our tool tip "Guide" for more information on all the functions the platform offers and the steps to follow!

Who is this platform for?

The "Data for Crisis" platform targets journalists, researchers and humanitarian practitioners who need more data and insights for effective reporting and interventions. Refugee community representatives can also use the platform to collect the facts they need to advocate for the needs and issues relevant to them.

What more is planned?

This platform is a prototype. We are currently working to provide more open data on the issues that matter – COVID-19, economic and political crises, displacement – in the future. We will also be engaging with journalists from the Syrian community in Lebanon to utilize the data.

What are Creative Commons?

We licensed this platform as creative commons (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) as the intent of our work is to make data available for change makers to report, advocate and act on issues that matter. Learn more about how you can use and reproduce the data and graphs on the legal page.
Interactive Charts